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- WBB Bereich (https://hacks4wbb.de/board.php?boardid=20)
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------ wbblite 1.0.2 PHP_4/5 (https://hacks4wbb.de/board.php?boardid=259)
---------- Hilfe & Suche wbblite1 (https://hacks4wbb.de/board.php?boardid=404)
----------- WBBLite Hilfe (https://hacks4wbb.de/board.php?boardid=266)
------------ ThreadAddForm.class.php (https://hacks4wbb.de/thread.php?threadid=31258)

Geschrieben von vanitas am 21.01.2009 um 18:09:



ich wollte eigentlich den wysiwyg Editor für mein Forum, Lite2, aktivieren. hab dazu in nem Tut gesehen dass man etwas in der Datei ThreadAddForm.class.php ändern muss.
Hab ich auch getan, aber das war mein Fehler, weil ich davon keine Ahnung habe.
Jetzt kann man keine Beiträge mehr schreiben.
Wie kann ich das rückgängig machen/ändern?


*/ public function readFormParameters() { parent::readFormParameters(); if (isset($_POST['username'])) $this->username = StringUtil::trim($_POST['username']); if (isset($_POST['preview'])) $this->preview = (boolean) $_POST['preview']; if (isset($_POST['send'])) $this->send = (boolean) $_POST['send']; if (isset($_POST['boardIDs'])) $this->boardIDs = ArrayUtil::toIntegerArray($_POST['boardIDs']); } /** * @see Form::submit() */ public function submit() { // call submit event EventHandler::fireAction($this, 'submit'); $this->readFormParameters(); try { // attachment handling if ($this->showAttachments) { $this->attachmentsEditor->handleRequest(); } // poll handling if ($this->showPoll) { $this->pollEditor->readParams(); } // preview if ($this->preview) { require_once(WCF_DIR.'lib/data/message/bbcode/AttachmentBBCode.class.php');
ents()); WCF::getTPL()->assign('preview', PostEditor::createPreview($this->subject, $this->text, $this->enableSmilies, $this->enableHtml, $this->enableBBCodes)); } // send message or save as draft if ($this->send) { $this->validate(); // no errors $this->save(); } } catch (UserInputException $e) { $this->errorField = $e->getField(); $this->errorType = $e->getType(); } } /** * @see Form::validate() */ public function validate() { // subject, text, captcha parent::validate(); // username $this->validateUsername(); // poll if ($this->showPoll) $this->pollEditor->checkParams(); } /** * Validates the username. */ protected function validateUsername() { // only for guests if (WCF::getUser()->userID == 0) { // username if (empty($this->username)) { throw new UserInputException('username'); } if (!UserUtil::isValidUsername($this->username)) { throw new UserInputException('username', 'notValid'); } if (!UserUtil::isAvailableUsername($this->username)) { throw new UserInputException('username', 'notAvailable'); } WCF::getSession()->setUsername($this->username); } else { $this->username = WCF::getUser()->username; } } /** * @see Form::save() */ public function save() { parent::save(); // search for double posts if ($postID = PostEditor::test($this->subject, $this->text, WCF::getUser()->userID, $this->username)) { HeaderUtil::redirect('index.php?page=Thread&postID=' . $postID . SID_ARG_2ND_NOT_ENCODED . '#post' . $postID); exit; } // save poll if ($this->showPoll) { $this->pollEditor->save(); } // save thread in database $this->newThread = ThreadEditor::create($this->board->boardID, 0, '', $this->subject, $this->text, WCF::getUser()->userID, $this->username, 0, 0, 0, $this->getOptions(), 0, $this->attachmentsEditor, $this->pollEditor); // update user posts if (WCF::getUser()->userID && $this->board->countUserPosts) { require_once(WBB_DIR.'lib/data/user/WBBUser.class.php'); WBBUser::updateUserPosts(WCF::getUser()->userID, 1); if (ACTIVITY_POINTS_PER_THREAD) { require_once(WCF_DIR.'lib/data/user/rank/UserRank.class.php'); UserRank::updateActivityPoints(ACTIVITY_POINTS_PER_THREAD); } } // refresh counter and last post $this->board->addThreads(); $this->board->setLastPost($this->newThread); // reset stat cache WCF::getCache()->clearResource('stat'); WCF::getCache()->clearResource('boardData'); // send notifications $this->saved(); // forward to post HeaderUtil::redirect('index.php?page=Thread&threadID=' . $this->newThread->threadID . SID_ARG_2ND_NOT_ENCODED); exit; } /** * @see Page::readData() */ public function readData() { parent::readData(); if (!count($_POST)) { // default values $this->username = WCF::getSession()->username; } } /** * @see Page::assignVariables() */ public function assignVariables() { parent::assignVariables(); WCF::getTPL()->assign(array( 'username' => $this->username, 'board' => $this->board, 'boardID' => $this->board->boardID, 'postID' => 0, 'boardIDs' => $this->boardIDs, 'editorEnableWysiwygView' => 0, 'wysiwygEditorMode' => 0 )); } /** * @see Page::show() */ public function show() { if (!$this->board->getPermission('canStartPoll')) { $this->showPoll = false; } if (!$this->board->getPermission('canUploadAttachment')) { $this->showAttachments = false; } // get attachments editor if ($this->attachmentsEditor == null) { $this->attachmentsEditor = new AttachmentsEditor(0, 'post', WCF::getUser()->getPermission('user.board.maxAttachmentSize'), WCF::getUser()->getPermission('user.board.allowedAttachmentExtensions'), 1); } // get poll editor if ($this->pollEditor == null) $this->pollEditor = new PollEditor(); // show form parent::show(); } } ?>
Fatal error: Class 'ThreadAddForm' not found in /usr/export/www/vhosts/funnetwork/hosting/venetis/wbb/lib/form/PostAddForm.
class.php on line 16

Geschrieben von Ingrid am 21.01.2009 um 19:31:


Spiel die original ThreadAddForm.class.php nochmal auf wenn du die noch hast.

Geschrieben von vanitas am 21.01.2009 um 23:13:


ich habs mitlerweile durch nen Bekannten behoben, trotzdem danke
die datei war nicht ganz vollständig, da hatte irgendwas im Header gefehlt...wie das passiert ist weiß ich zwar nicht, aber egal.


Forensoftware: Burning Board 2.3.6, entwickelt von WoltLab GmbH